How to stop people-pleasing

It’s time to stop people-pleasing. Some people know that people-pleasing is an issue that needs to stop, and others may think it’s not an issue--but in fact, there may be some hidden areas where, under the right circumstances, you unconsciously go into people-pleasing mode. Fact: you can never please everyone. We know this logically, yet when we try to stop people-pleasing it all feels murky and more complicated. Today’s Your Courageous Life podcast episode is going to break down people-pleasing and give you small, doable ways to not get caught in the people-pleasing habit.A few takeaways:

  • People-pleasing is an unintentional form of manipulation. It’s a way of saying, “I’ll do what you want, if you’ll like me.”

  • Even people who think they never people-please, may fall into people-pleasing under the right circumstances.

  • You may not realize it, but letting what other people think stop you from being yourself, is a form of people-pleasing.


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